Travel Bucket Far East

The Complete travel guide to Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Phnom Penh is the capital and largest city of Cambodia. It has been the capital of Cambodia since French Colonisation of the country and has grown to become its main center of economic and industrial activity. It also serves as the center for politics, national security, cultural heritage, and diplomacy in Cambodia. It is one of the most significant tourist destinations in Cambodia.

Here are some of the top places to visit in Phnom Penh
  1. Royal Palace
  2. Cambodia National Museum
  3. Choeung Ek
  4. Tuol Sleng Museum
  5. River Boat Cruises
  6. Wat Phnom
  7. Wat Ounalom
  8. Russian Market
  9. Psar Thmei
Things to do in Phnom Penh
  1. Remember victims of the past at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
  2. Pay your respects at Choeung Ek Genocidal Centre
  3. Visit the Beautiful Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda
  4. Soak up the serenity at Wat Phnom
  5. Stroll along the riverside
  6. Shop till you drop at Central Market…
  7. And shop some more at the Russian Market!
  8. Snap pictures of the city’s diverse monuments
  9. Learn more at the National Museum of Cambodia
  10. Take a day trip to Silk Island

Book cheap flights to Phnom Penh by calling Travel Center UK today! Our team of experienced travel experts is equipped to give you the best deals on cheap flights to Phnom Penh. The city of Phnom Penh is served by the Pochentong International Airport and we have teamed up with world-class airlines to ensure that you travel in safety and comfort to this exciting destination in Cambodia. Contact us today and ask us about cheap flights to Phnom Penh, and whether you are on business or on holiday to Phnom Penh, we have flights that match your needs. Book cheap flights to Phnom Penh over the phone and get personalised service. You will also get specialised services such as finding the cheapest rates owning to price fluctuations and advice on the best time for booking.


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